Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Fall Dodgeball Registration Open in NYC

A bulletin I received:

"PartyDodgeballNYC Fall Registration is NOW OPEN

Hey everyone, great season and just wanted to let you all know registration is now open for the fall and considering we already have 5 NEW TEAMS already signed up (not to mention the 14 we have already been informed will be back), this season is going to be ridiculous. Make sure to secure a spot ASAP considering we can only have 28 teams. In addition, the BEACH PARTY is being set up now for late July and you will all be receiving an invite for that as well....see you all soon!!"

1 comment:

Angel said...

PartDodgeball is awesome! They have that perfect mix of taking the game seriously enough while still making fun the priority. This is what happens when people that LOVE dodgeball start a dodgeball league.